There aint no light at the end of the tunnel. Ive taken the plunge for all of you… Yes, I reckon Ive been playing this game for three years or more! Ive been there through all of its transitions, its tweaks, its updates… And I must say I HAD been pretty satisfied.
Sure, its a fun way to pass the time, I do have countless items from treasure chest…Ive seen every ad 1000 times or more. Its the reason I used up 20 gigs of data month after month and spent countless dollars. But if the game has ever been unbalanced before, its now at an all time high!
I havent seen any support from the developers whatsoever, so dont expect any. You would think, after spending so much REAL money, they would be my number one fans, But alas, its all quiet from the home front.
You cant purchase crystals anymore, and Ive spent all the stupid money Im going to spend on those stupid fire swords!You can buy handfuls of them, each $25 a piece! And they wont do a thing!
Youll tap a million times, but Ive tapped 1,000,000×1,000,000 times! You WILL plateau at some point and not be able to advance… I myself am in the 500s this time around, frustrated and bored stiff, ready to restart yet again with hope in my heart!
But theres a chest, only three monsters away, its the reason for the fresh pile of money that I have just spent, and I want that chest before restarting… there will always be SOME darn reason! Just dont let it get the best of you too… Ive kept my phone on day after day night after night for three years or more, Ive watch the ads, Ive bought the in app purchases, and I have tapped until my fingers have bled, but I dont really have anything to show for it.
Oh well, cest la vie!
Just be warned,you cant get that time back. Haha!
Mark_Eanes about Tower of Hero, v1.5.1